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Black Girls Glow increases the active participation and leadership presence of  women artists in their communities. We bring visibility to women’s issues and  explore ways in which we can use art to solve these issues, by providing programs  that foster collaboration, innovation and leadership development.


A world where women and girls have access to resources, community, mentorship,  and space in their growth as artists and leaders.


Community focused – We believe in the need and continuity of  communities, both physical, local, focused and virtual, and we are invested in  building, sustaining and thriving and working with and within communities.
Collaboration – We recognize the importance and benefits that are accrued  when we share our resources, expertise, energy and time.
Innovation – We are committed to relentlessly searching for better solutions,  trying new things and embracing change.
Diversity and Inclusion – We serve a diverse pool of women, female  identifying and minority groups. We recognize that these groups of people  may have diverse missions, disparate resources and distinct needs. Decisions  undertaken on behalf of the organization are made with the greatest respect  and support of these differences.

 Excellence – We will strive for continuous improvement. We will produce the  best products and deliver the best services as we are capable of providing.


We want to create more programs and opportunities that give women artists room to grow. Your support will help greatly with supplementing the cost of organizing the residency, paying staff and stretching the depth of our creativity and its impact on our individual communities. Subscriptions will bring us closer to sustainability.

THANK YOU to everyone subscribing and sharing! We love you!


♥ $1 / month
♥ $5 / month
♥ $10 / month


You can also become a spontaneous supporter with a one-time donation in any amount: