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Our Engagement

Street Studio is a recording and engagement methodology developed by Found Sound Nation that takes the basic elements of the music studio to a public space. We adapted street studio for the markets in Accra.

Market Studio is a recording and engagement methodology that takes the basic elements of the music studio into the market space.

Ghana’s market women have been influential in the past and continue to be in the present. Makola market women funded Ghana’s first president and increased women voters. Market women are often the first to protest economic hardships, and a lot of trends start with market women. Music is a common cultural tool in Ghana, and yet, it is reserved for professionals or talented people only. Market studio is a program that utilizes music as a tool for everyday people to communicate and connect.


We want to create more programs and opportunities that give women artists room to grow. Your support will help greatly with supplementing the cost of organizing the residency, paying staff and stretching the depth of our creativity and its impact on our individual communities. Subscriptions will bring us closer to sustainability.

THANK YOU to everyone subscribing and sharing! We love you!


♥ $1 / month
♥ $5 / month
♥ $10 / month


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